It’s time we had a little talk. Not “the” talk but, thee talk…

It’s time we were 100% open, honest, and transparent with you guys about why restocks don’t flood popflexactive.com all of the time. We’re questioned every single day why the product you’ve been dying to add to your cart isn’t available just yet. We know you’re so eager to not see that infamous line striking out your size but, there’s a reason why products take several months to return (if we actually bring it back).
First starters, let’s talk about Fast Fashion - have you heard of this term before?
What is Fast Fashion?
Let’s paint a scene, shall we?
You’re scrolling through Instagram (while you're at it, go follow us), and see your fave celeb wearing that holy-moly-I-NEED-that outfit. You have a Miami trip coming up with your girls in 2 weeks and this is thee IG-flick-worthy fit your feed has been missing.

BOOM! The same exact outfit just dropped online, and you add it to your cart before your next breath of air.
The question is: how?
With fast fashion, your go-to online trendy clothing sites hop on trends as quickly as possible to stay up-to-date with the latest consumer demands. While this sounds amazing (bc who doesn’t want to grab Kim K’s latest dinner fit with Kylie?), these poorly-made pieces are designed to fall apart quickly - forcing a customer to re-purchase a piece time and time again.
Fast Fashion and the Environment
Today, fast fashion brands are producing twice the amount of clothes today than in the year 2000. Insane, we know. But what does this mean for the environment? Glad you asked. To keep it simple: high demand = more production = more textile waste = increase in landfill disposal = more chemical compounds being released into the air = public health/environmental threat.

The Debate of our Design Team: To Restock, or To Redesign?
Here’s a real confession, guys.
When we drop a new line of workout wear, we cross our fingers and tightly close our eyes, hoping that you’ll fall in love with every new product we release.
Every collection, every design, we have NO idea if you guys every piece will be completely drool-worthy or a total flop.
Before we begin production, we not only gather inspo by what’s around us but also, direct customer feedback to analyze what you guys actually want new and improved. But honestly… we never know what to expect.
If a line sells out fast, we do a happy dance, and then we figure out what we can do next. Sometimes, we take a chance on a restock, because - sometimes - that’s worth it. Other times, it’s…not. Studies have shown that unsold garments create a TON of the waste associated with the fashion industry. Because we want to do our part for the environment as much as we can, that’s often just not something we want to risk.
One of the things we absolutely love about our POPFLEX process is that it allows our talented Head Designer, Cassey, to really flex her creative muscles (as she’s helping you flex yours - see what we did, there?). That’s why we’re always innovating and designing and creating fun, bold, and invigorating brand-new products and designs. But trust us when we say, our team is always excited to restock an item - it’s like seeing an old friend after a long time apart.
POPFLEX and the Environment
We pride ourselves in expressing eco-friendly practices whenever possible.
Here’s how!
1. Our entire team operates 100% remotely. On the personal side, this allows our team to work from the comfort of their own home, spend $0 on gas commuting to/from an office, more time to enjoy home cooked meals + quality time with loved ones.
- With being remote, we do run into the issue of our design team (all in different states) needing to physically touch and inspect a garment during the product production process. When shipping samples to one another, our team opts in for reusing all shipping materials by turning shipping bags inside out to eliminate any extra waste.

3. Veggie-based Packaging. Not only is the packaging for your new workout essentials cute but, it’s also a vegetable. Yes, it’s literally corn starch. As typical plastic bags take 1,000 years to decompose, this one only takes 180 days!

Our Mission and Promise
At POPFLEX, the inspiration and integrity we weave into each and every collection is incredibly important to us - as is our relationship with our POPFLEX fam.
Can we let you in on a secret? As a small, woman-owned, minority-owned business, we want to ensure that every supporting member of our team has the resources to live a good life. When we charge higher prices, we’re doing so because the quality of our products and integrity of our processes necessitate it.
We’re always looking for ways to source more sustainable fabrics, and researching more ways to make our pieces last longer as valuable parts of your fitness wardrobe. When we make a profit, we use that to not only invest in seeking out ways to improve our business but also our entire team’s happiness and health.
We are not fast fashion. We do NOT use scarcity tactics as we go about our design or restock decisions. We are ALWAYS trying to improve. Sustainability is a journey, and we are always looking for ways to improve because each small action adds up. As a small business with integrity, we value you and your experience with every POPFLEX piece so, so much.
Feedback means the world to us. As we’re always learning about sustainability and seeking ways to improve our eco-friendly efforts, what would you like to see from us in the future? Let us know in the comments!
Hey popflex team,
While I respect any decision you feel is necessary for your business or life, I feel the need to let you know that not restocking items has been leaving an opening for scalpers.
Much like many other popular brands out there today your brand has been going out of stock quickly. Then instead of being true fans or loyal customers, those people put your items up on resale sites for double or more than what they paid.
Because the items are not being restocked in the same colors or patterns these scalpers are easily taking advantage of the situation and your customer base.
For instance I saw one of your tops on a resale website for almost $200! Plus shipping!
You are not alone in this struggle with those types of people. Last year there were some very popular Halloween pieces at a particular candle and body wash store that were always sold out then put up immediately online for more than double the original prices.
I believe that in order to help combat that, while staying true to your passion, maybe you could do a restock of popular items in the colors that sold out quickly once or twice a year. Like a flashback sale or something.
Best wishes,
Kitty :)
I love this company’s ethics and commitment!! Especially your direct communication and transparency with the customers is something more companies should aspire for. I do hope, however, you bring back some of your popular items like the cloud hoodie!! I set aside money for it but by the time I had enough, it was sold out :(
Thanks for taking the time to share this insight, this makes me love you more. I love your designs and I am happy to see some of my all time favourite items in your Basics collection. I hope that stays around for a while. I would love to see you restock the dress/romper (I think it should be part of your Basics collection, and so should be the twirl skort). I’d also love to see a constellation collection come back, especially Telescope Tank. And going back in time, the peplum peekaboo top, which I still use to this day, but would be best in your new fabrics. Other pieces I’ve been loving: City Crop Tee, Vivid crop bra, twirl skort (please make it longer so that it covers the short in the back area). In terms of colours, besides black and white, my all time favourites were the colors in Marble collection (purple/lavender) and Constellation collection. I am at a point where I wear Popflex clothing almost every day! Also, please please please, keep the pockets in as many pieces as you can, they are the best feature ever invented.
I think you guys are doing great with innovative designs that I don’t see anywhere else. I think depending on what has the biggest waitlist, you should restock! For instance the anti-camel toe legging is essential and I wish I had it ASAP! I refuse to buy any other leggings until those return! I really hope this reaches your team! All the best <3
This explanation made me love your brand even more!
What about the Ella Bag in deep purple? Please don’t redesign that. I have money set aside for that bag and have been waiting and waiting for it. Please bring it back.
I really love and appreciate the transparency. Great post!
Absolutely love this blog! Great fun and inspirational reading content and I can’t wait to experience some of the products!
Dear Popflex team,
thank you so much for the blog post. If every company thought about its decisions and questioned and evaluated them like that, the world would already be a better place, ecologically and socially.
Please continue what you are doing.
Love from Germany