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The one tool that helped Cassey lose 20 lbs in 90 days.

The one tool that helped Cassey lose 20 lbs in 90 days.

Introducing: The 90 Day Journal (inspired by Cassey's very own 90 Day Journey)!!! We've filled it with thoughtful and beautiful goal-tracking features. We can't wait to see you use it for your personal journey to your BEST life possible! 🔥 🔥 🔥
I went from working out 5 days a week to 0... this is what got me back in the gym

I went from working out 5 days a week to 0... this is what got me back in the gym

Hey guys! This is Laurel, social media manager for POPFLEX! I've been thinking a lot lately about how hard it is to get back in a gym routine once you've fallen off the wagon. Take it from someone who worked out 5 times a week for years and just suddenly stopped. But there's an easy way to start again.
Focus Journal Giveaway!

Focus Journal Giveaway!

The Focus Journal is a MUST if you are a student, professional, or anyone who has a busy life! Make sure you enter the giveaway!